Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Call the ASPCA

I'm an abusive pet owner without meaning to be.  Lando, the stray we adopted about six weeks ago, is permanently attached to me.  And sometimes I forget that he's there, especially when he's lurking silently by my feet.  

I keep accidently stepping on him and shoving him as I walk away.  Which clearly doesn't phase him, as he continues to follow me everywhere, including the bathroom, where he stands on the sink while I go about my routine.  Even though it doesn't bother him, I feel terrible about it.  

I keep telling myself to be more careful and more aware, but let's face it.  I'm not what one would call graceful.  I can barely keep myself upright, much less be aware of the cat lurking by my feet.  Then again, he's been letting me do this for weeks.  Maybe he's a kitty masochist and he secretly enjoys it.  I think I'll go with that for now.

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